Pizza Bagels


Pack of bagels (to feed the amount of people your feeding)

Tube of tomato purée

Grated cheese (any type you want)

If you want you can have other foods on top


First turn the grill on to warm up, then cut the bagels in half down the middle, so there are two different sides.

Next put the bagels bottom side up on a tray, so the bottom can get cooked. Place them in the grill for 1 minute but keep an eye out for them just in case though. 

Now once the bottoms cooked. Next squeeze the tomato purée on one side of the bagel and spread with a knife. Do the same for all the bagels you are cooking. Cover them with lots of cheese and the the extras that you want. Place them in the grill for a 2 min, BUT keep a watch on them just in case they burn.

Once they are out transfer them to a plate and eat them (they go cold pretty quick)